Koyomimonogatari is a 12 episode short-form series released in January 2016, around the same time that Kizumonogatari started getting theatrically released in Japan. The final two episodes provide important context that continues into Owarimonogatari Part 3. The series did not stream legally so the upcoming Blu-ray release will be the first time UK viewers will be able to access the series.
Zoku Owarimonogatari is a 6 episode season released theatrically first in Japan on November 2018 before getting a broadcast in May 2019. Despite being the final story arc for the Monogatari franchise, much like Koyomimonogatari, unfortunately the arc did not stream legally so the upcoming Blu-ray release will be the first time UK viewers will be able to access the series.
kabukimonogatari episode 1 english sub
Monogatari is animated by studio SHAFT (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) and is based on a series of novels written by NisiOisiN (Medaka Box, Zaregoto). The anime arcs have been directed by Akiyuki Shinbo (March comes in like a Lion), Tatsuya Oishi, and Tomoyuki Itamura with assistance from Naoyuki Tatsuwa and Yuki Yase on select episodes. Akio Watanabe (Higurashi: When They Cry Gou) has provided character designs for the franchise. 2ff7e9595c