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Scripture Discussion: Best Practices for Facilitating Meaningful Conversations


Cultivate your love for the scriptures and deepen your knowledge with the help of a scripture study process compiled by James E. Faulconer. Rich scripture study is facilitated by tools and techniques that help us focus on what the scriptures can teach us. This study aid offers pointers and suggestions that will familiarize beginning students of the scriptures with the many resources available to them, as well as help more experienced students improve the overall effectiveness of their scripture study.

scripture discussion

In this fascinating book, Faulconer discusses a helpful method and the purpose of outlining, an in-depth method of cross-referencing, how to ask cogent and thought-provoking questions about the scriptures, the benefits of using dictionaries and concordances, the relation between words and ideas apparent through rhetorical studies, and using the valuable reference tools in the LDS edition of the scriptures. He then provides sample notes developed using the study tools he describes to show how research and pondering can make scripture study even more meaningful.

Quality Come Follow Me scripture study in ONE minute? It's possible!This podcast is for busy LDS teens, moms, families, and anyone else who finds themself WANTING quality scripture study but LACKING the time!Enjoy five 1 minute study sessions a week plus a "Big Picture Monday" to help you understand where we are in the scriptures.

For the last fifteen years, I have led weekly inductive Bible studies for groups of college students and young adults. We go chapter by chapter and verse by verse through books of the Bible with an occasional topical study or character study. As someone who has spent extensive time preparing every week, I know it is helpful to have some resources to use, both for personal study of the Word or for leading a Bible discussion. Now I want to share these resources with other believers who desire to dig into Scripture. You can use them for your own personal study or as a guide to lead a small group Bible study.

Come join the Saint Mary Cathedral's Catholic Scripture Study Group as we explore the Sunday readings for Ordinary Time, Advent, Lent, and Solemnities. Group meetings are every Thursday, usually in Bishops Hall, from 7:00-9:00pm. Classes typically have adult students from many different parishes throughout the Austin area and the study is for all levels - from beginner to experienced student. No previous knowledge of Scripture is necessary, no mandatory attendance policy, and there is no cost to attend. Join us for prayerful study, lively discussion, and fellowship. The study group provides an opportunity for spiritual formation by nurturing an intimate relationship with Christ through prayer, fellowship and the study of His Word. Drop in some Thursday and say, "Hi." If you have any questions please email L.J. Smith at

Come share God's Holy Words and enrich your spiritual journey. 6:00-7:00pm.(Please Note New Time)Our format is a round-table discussion of the readings and Gospel which will beread at Mass on the following Sunday.

You can also journal by topic. What questions would you like to explore about a given topic? Organize your journal into sections around those topics and questions. In each section, you can compile lists of scriptures and even search the web for other resources. After you have gathered these scriptures and resources, prayerfully study them and capture your thoughts. You might be surprised by the journey this approach takes you on.

We meet for three 5-week sessions throughout the year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. Each session is 90 minutes long and includes reflection on the readings, questions for deeper understanding and time for discussion and reflection. During each season, several different sections of the class are offered for convenience. We meet in the evenings, mornings and afternoons. Tuesdays at 7:15 pm Wednesdays at 9:15 am

Scripture Study Updated October 7, 2022 St. Stephen's Scripture Study is currently addressing the Gospel of Mark. Following Mark we will study Ruth, Leviticus, 1 Samuel and then 2 Samuel. Please join us as we explore these books of the Bible. We meet on Friday mornings in the Education Wing from 8:45 AM until 10 AM. You can join Scripture Study any time. There is no cost, you can use any Bible translation you have and notes/commentaries are provided. We are a very welcoming group. We learn from each other and from our facilitator and have meaningful, interesting and at times fun discussions. This class is for you whether you are new to Scripture or not. Please see contact information below for additional details.

Since assuming my responsibilities as the president of Ricks College last summer, one of my points of emphasis has been the study and use of the scriptures. Those of you who are new to Ricks will note that at the beginning of today's devotional assembly, Brother Bird asked you to hold up your scriptures. This is a new tradition we started at our first devotional last fall, and it is a tradition through which we will continue to encourage all students and faculty to consistently study and use the scriptures. As I am sure most of you recognize, the real significance of this tradition is not merely bringing and holding up your scriptures every Tuesday in devotional. Rather, this simple act is but a reminder and symbol of our collective appreciation for, desire to learn from, and commitment to consistently and conscientiously study the holy scriptures.

Today I hope to accomplish two objectives as I visit with you: (1) provide a doctrinal foundation for understanding the importance of studying the scriptures and (2) emphasize basic principles that can help each of us become more effective in our personal study of the scriptures. I pray for, I yearn for, and I invite the Spirit of the Lord to be with each of us today, that we may understand each other and truly be edified.

I am going to refer to a number of scriptures--many more than we could possibly look up and read together in the allotted devotional time. Some of the references I will specifically ask you to look up in your scriptures and read along with me; other verses I will quote directly and provide only the reference. You may find it helpful to jot down the references and study the quoted verses in more detail at a later time.

Prophets, church leaders, advisors, teachers, and parents all talk and teach about the importance of studying the scriptures. Why is studying the scriptures so important? May I suggest three answers:

• Studying the scriptures is important because scripture study is a preparation for and prerequisite to receiving personal revelation. Those three answers can be summarized in the following words: covenants, direction, and revelation. Those are three doctrinal reasons why studying the scriptures is so important.

I want to draw your attention to the second covenantal obligation to "always remember him." I do not know of a better way to always remember him than to daily study the scriptures. That covenant is not an abstract notion. It can be honored in meaningful, personal prayer every morning and night and in diligent study of the scriptures.

When I served as a stake president and interviewed literally hundreds of members of the Church, I frequently would ask, "Do you remember and keep the covenants you have made?" I do not recall many people answering no. When I would inquire further and ask about their scripture study, some would say, "I do not have time." Then I would ask about their personal prayers, and the answer often was, "I am not as consistent as I should be." On some occasions I would then inquire, "Do you, in fact, keep the covenant to always remember Him?"

The second doctrinal reason for studying the scriptures is explained in 2 Nephi: ". . . the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do" (2 Nephi 32:3). Please turn with me to Alma, Chapter 37. We will focus for just a moment on the blessing of direction in our life that comes through the scriptures.

And now I say, is there not a type of this thing? For just as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the promised land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise. (Alma 37:43-45, emphasis added) Thus, Alma teaches us in this chapter that personal prayer and scripture study provide direction in our lives just as the Liahona provided guidance to Lehi and his family in the wilderness.

By way of review, the first reason for studying the scriptures is the covenants we have made. The second reason is the word of Christ as contained in the scriptures will provide the direction we need in our lives.

Revelation is the third doctrinal reason for studying the scriptures. Scripture study is a preparation for and prerequisite to receiving personal revelation. Let us think for a moment of the experience of the Prophet Joseph Smith. What was it that preceded the First Vision? Joseph attended a number of religious revivals and was confronted with confusing and competing claims. In the midst of the confusion, and as he was striving to find which of all the churches he should join, he read in James: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; . . ." (James 1:5). Joseph was studying the scriptures. I would admonish you to read (at a later time) in the Joseph Smith History about the impact of that verse of scripture upon the young boy Joseph Smith. He reflected upon it over and over again. He stated that never before had a verse of scripture entered into his heart and soul with such impact as that verse did at that time. Scripture study preceded the First Vision.

Here are two assignments for you. First, in your personal study, see if you can learn how many and specifically which revelations presently contained in the Doctrine and Covenants came as a result of Joseph's work of translating the Book of Mormon. Second, see if you can determine specifically which revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants came as a result of his work in translating the Bible. As you undertake these assignments, you will quickly learn that the vast majority of the revelations presently contained in the Doctrine and Covenants came in connection with the work of translating these two volumes of scripture. What preceded revelation? Scripture study. 2ff7e9595c

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